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Definition and characteristics of glass mirrors

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Definition of glass mirrors:
Glass mirror is a perspective window glass used under certain temperature and pressure conditions. It has the characteristics of high transparency, stable temperature resistance and good pressure resistance.
The raw materials selected for glass mirrors are special glass made by lifting and tempering on the basis of comprehensive high-temperature glass, temperature resistant glass and high-pressure resistant glass.
Glass mirrors are mainly round and square, and the size and thickness of the layout are not limited. When purchasing glass mirrors, first of all, determine the size and thickness, heat resistance requirements, pressure resistance requirements and other relevant technical indicators, so as to select the appropriate products with pertinence.
glass mirrors window glass, high transparency glass mirrors, high temperature resistance glass
Characteristics of glass mirrors:
(1) it can withstand both high temperature and low temperature.
(2) it can withstand both high pressure and low pressure.
(3) not only the physical properties are stable, but also the chemical properties are excellent.
If you are interested in the glass mirrors window glass, high transparency glass mirrors, high temperature resistance glass or need to consult, please click on our online customer service, or call us.
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