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Application of high temperature resistant glass in lamps

Click: -Time:2019-11-29 08:56
The glass used in high-performance spotlight, lighting lamp and miner's lamp is called high temperature resistant lamp glass. The glass used in these places has special requirements:
1. High transparency, convenient for light penetration.
2. Good mechanical strength, not fragile
3. It has a high heat shock temperature and can withstand the change of temperature difference between certain quench and quench.
The working temperature of general miner's lamp and high-performance spotlight is relatively high. They are used outdoors as spotlight or lighting. In case of severe weather, the bulb will be seriously damaged, causing significant losses.
In order to protect the light bulb, the lamp glass cover was born. Because its working temperature is high, it is often drenched by rain and snow. Therefore, in addition to its high mechanical strength, the glass also needs excellent heat-resistant impact performance, which can bear the change of outdoor sudden cold and hot temperature difference.
High temperature resistant glass products installed on lamps mainly include 300 ℃, 500 ℃, 860 ℃ and 1200 ℃, which can be processed into various shapes for easy use.
Protect the bulb with high temperature resistant glass, which will not affect the appearance of the product, but also can well isolate all kinds of harsh environment, protect the life of the bulb.
heat resistance glass, high temperature resistant glass, clear glass for lamps
If you are interested in the heat resistance glass, high temperature resistant glass, clear glass for lamps or need to consult, please click on our online customer service, or call us.
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