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The difference between high temperature resistant glass and high pressure resistant glass

Click: -Time:2019-11-28 09:05
Literally, it can distinguish high temperature resistant glass and high pressure resistant glass. High temperature resistant glass means special glass with certain high temperature resistance, while high pressure resistant glass means special glass with compression resistance. These two kinds of glass are very important materials in industrial glass and indispensable parts of various industrial windows.
The most important performance index of high temperature resistant glass is heat shock resistance, which can be used to determine the strength of cold and hot temperature difference of glass, especially for all kinds of high temperature windows with high requirements for temperature resistance.
High pressure resistant glass is a kind of special glass whose mechanical strength is used to measure its advantages and disadvantages. This kind of glass is generally suitable for some observation holes with high pressure requirements, and has very good mechanical strength. This kind of glass, which belongs to toughened glass series, basically needs strengthening technology to enhance its service strength.
In addition to distinguishing from performance, there is generally no exact demarcation line between high-temperature resistant glass and high-pressure resistant glass. Many high-pressure resistant glass are also a very superior high-temperature resistant glass. Some of the high-temperature resistant glass with good mechanical strength can also be classified as high-pressure resistant glass.
In short, high temperature resistant glass and high pressure resistant glass are relative to ordinary glass, which are product names obtained from performance differentiation.
high temperature resistant glass, high pressure resistant glass, industrial glass windows
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