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Characteristics of special glass for kiln

Click: -Time:2019-11-27 08:54
 1. Heat resistance. Kiln is a kind of equipment used to burn products. Its working temperature is very high during operation. As the observation window glass of kiln, its temperature resistance is also very high, so it can adapt to the high temperature environment of kiln.
2. Stable chemical properties. At high temperature, the glass does not react with any substance in the kiln, does not react chemically, does not release any substance, and only plays the role of observation on the substance in the kiln.
3. High light transmittance. The light transmittance is more than 85%, which determines that it can clearly observe the reflection of the materials in the furnace and the operation of the furnace.
4. High mechanical properties. The observation glass of the kiln needs to effectively block the dust and particles produced by the high-temperature materials in the kiln, which requires the glass to have a certain mechanical impact strength.
5. Various shapes. The shape of the observation window of the kiln is different. The special glass of the kiln can be processed into round, square, runway type and special shape according to the shape of the observation window of the kiln. The thickness of the glass is usually 2-50mm, and the processing layout needs to be determined according to the material.
Heat resistance sight glass, transparent glass, observation window glass of kiln
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