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How to do a good job of quartz tube maintenance, what are the good methods

Click: -Time:2019-09-21 09:34
1. Do a good job of cleaning in time
Usually when using quartz tube, we should do a good job of cleaning in time. Before using quartz tube, we must wipe it clean, and we must ensure that the temperature is suitable for use. The time of each use should not be too long. If we use quartz tube for a long time, it will directly affect the subsequent use, so we must use it. Some correct ways to do cleaner work actively more in place.
2. Normal method operation
As a user of quartz tube, it should be operated in the right way. Every time in operation, gloves should be threaded. Don't contact them directly with your hands. Keep the inside clean. At the same time, we should do some cleaning work. Only in this way can we prolong the service life better. In any case, don't put the material directly on the furnace tube, otherwise it will bring a lot. Influence.
quartz glass tubes, clear quartz glass
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