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PreCautions for Selection of High Temperature Resistant Glass

Click: -Time:2022-06-14 16:43
        High temperature resistant glass is a kind of glass with special working environment. Many people only consider the maximum temperature that the glass can withstand, and are not very clear about the heat-resistant impact strength of the glass. In general, there are certain quench and heat conditions under high temperature conditions, so the selected glass needs to be able to withstand the change of temperature difference between quench and heat. For example, if this temperature difference cannot be satisfied, the glass used will easily break.

        High temperature resistant glass has certain heat-resistant impact strength. This temperature qualitative change is much lower than the maximum allowable pressure. For example, the temperature difference between cold and hot at an observation port is 800 ℃, and the maximum working temperature is 1000 ℃. At this time, many people will choose the glass with a temperature resistance of 860 ℃, because its maximum temperature resistance can meet 1000 ℃. In fact, this is a wrong choice. The temperature difference between cold and hot at 860 ℃ is 700~750 ℃, which can not meet the temperature difference of 800 ℃ in the working environment. If 860 ℃ glass is selected as the window glass, it will break after a short time of use. Therefore, in this case, we need to select the glass with temperature resistance of 1200 ℃, and its cold and hot temperature difference strength is 1100 ℃, which is enough to meet the use demand.
        Safety is the first choice for high-temperature resistant glass. A bad choice is like burying a time bomb for yourself, and dangerous accidents will occur at any time. Therefore, the purchase of high temperature resistant glass products requires a good understanding of the heat resistance of the glass, to measure its safety from all aspects, and to ensure the safety of use at high temperatures.

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