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Daily maintenance instructions for magnetic flap level gauge

Click: -Time:2020-04-17 09:31
1. The installation measures shall be reasonably selected: dry place without rain and snow dripping. If the environment is bad, a canopy shall be added.
2. If possible, a special person shall be assigned to carry out technical confirmation and disposal on the magnetic flap level gauge, whether it is damaged and whether the magnetic flap column is turned normally every day.
3. The inspection measures shall be regularly inspected by the person in charge of regional instrument maintenance according to the scheduled inspection route. During patrol inspection, check whether the valve of magnetic flap level gauge is normal, whether the display panel is normal, and whether the manual valve is normal. Focus on the inspection of the instruments of the devices easy to freeze and make patrol inspection records, conduct dry, complete and clean maintenance of the instruments and their insulation and antifreeze measures, and timely solve the heat preservation and tracing problems on site.
magnetic flap level gauge, industrial boiler instruments glass, liquid level gauge glass
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