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Precautions for use of fireproof glass

Click: -Time:2020-04-02 08:40
As a new building fire protection commodity, fire-resistant glass has been selected by the increasing construction, but there is no special specification for the planning and inspection of this kind of commodity. The author thinks the following three aspects should be paid attention to in planning:
1. The planning of applying fire-proof glass to curtain wall and interval is not to simply change the non fire-resistant function data of curtain wall or interval into fire-resistant data, not to mention that it is all right to change ordinary glass into fire-proof glass, but to think about it as a fire-proof system.
2. The fire-resistant functional grade of the fire-resistant glass curtain wall and the interval can only be determined by comprehensively considering the fire-resistant grade of all elements of the system. It is possible to make mistakes by one-sided speculation. If necessary, it is necessary to conduct test experiments to determine.
3. When selecting fire-proof glass, attention shall be paid to the corresponding relationship between the size of glass plate and the fire-resistant function grade.
fireproof glass, heat resistant glass, fire-resistant clear glass plate
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