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Functional characteristics of quartz tube heating tube

Click: -Time:2020-04-29 09:07
1. The heating tube of quartz tube is small in volume and high in power: the bundle type tubular electric heating element is mainly used in the heating tube of quartz tube.
2. Rapid thermal response, high temperature control accuracy and high comprehensive thermal efficiency.
3. High heating temperature: the maximum design task temperature of the heater can reach 850 ℃. The medium outlet temperature is average and the temperature control accuracy is high.
4. Wide application limitation and strong compliance: the heater can be used in explosion-proof or popular places, with explosion-proof grades up to D Ⅱ B and C, and pressure resistance up to 20MPa.
5. Long service life and high reliability: the heater is made of special electric heating materials, designed with low external power load and multiple maintenance, making the safety and service life of the electric heater greatly increased.
6. Fully active control: according to the requirements of the heater circuit design, it can facilitate the completion of the outlet temperature, flow, pressure and other parameters of active control, and can be connected with the computer network.
The result of energy saving is obvious. The heat generated by electric energy is almost 100% transferred to the heating medium.
quartz tube heating tube, high temperature quartz tube, clear quartz heater tube
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