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How to Wash Glass Instruments

Click: -Time:2019-08-19 09:40
How to Wash Glass Instruments
Clean glass instruments must be used in chemical experiments, otherwise the effect of experiments will be affected. After the experiment, the used glass instruments should be washed out immediately.
The way to wash the test tube or flask is to inject half-pipe or half-bottle of water first, shake slightly, pour out the water and wash it several times. If the inner wall is not easy to wash away, it can be washed with a test tube.
glass test tube,glass tube
When scrubbing, the test tube brush will rotate or move up and down in the test tube or flask containing water, but the force should not be too strong, otherwise the bottom of the test tube will be easily broken.
After the above scrubbing, there are still traces of residues in the glass instrument, and appropriate chemicals should be selected according to the nature of the residues.
The standard for cleaning glass instruments is that the water adhered to the inner surface of the glass is uniform, forming a uniform film of water. The water on the inner wall of the glass neither gathers into droplets nor flows down in streams, so it is clean.
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