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What are the functions of quartz rods?

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What are the functions of quartz rods?
Quartz rods are mostly used in the laboratory. They are used to mix liquids without damaging our hands or the test liquids themselves. Therefore, they are widely used. Glass rods can be divided into many kinds according to different materials. Quartz glass rods are one of them. Quartz rods have the following functions:
1. Disperse heat evenly
2. Transfer of liquids and solids
3. Conduction of transferring liquids in the case of filtration, etc.
4. Stirring for dissolution, evaporation, etc.
5. Initiating reaction, such as igniting red phosphorus
quartz glass, quartz rods
Quartz glass rod-matters needing attention of quartz glass rod
1. When stirring, stir in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).
2. Don't stir too hard, so as not to break the glass rod or container (such as beaker, etc.).
3. Stirring should not collide with the wall or bottom of the container, and make no noise.
Generalized quartz also includes high temperature quartz and coesite. Quartz is one of the main rock-forming minerals, generally referring to low-temperature quartz, which is widely distributed in quartz minerals. Hardness 7, no cleavage, shell fracture. The specific gravity is 2.65. Pure quartz is colorless and transparent. It has various colors due to the presence of trace pigments or dispersed inclusions, or color centers, and reduces its transparency. It has piezoelectricity. Quartz is a mineral consisting of silica, chemical formula SiO 2. Quartz block, also known as silica, is mainly the raw material for producing quartz sand, as well as quartz refractory material and raw material for firing ferrosilicon. It has glass luster and oil luster on fracture surface. The main ingredient is SiO 2, which is colorless and transparent. It often contains a small amount of impurities and becomes translucent or opaque crystal with a hard texture. Quartz is a kind of mineral resource with very undisturbed physical and chemical properties. Its crystal belongs to trigonal oxide mineral.
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