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Properties of quartz sight glass

Properties of quartz sight glass

PCHAO brand industrial sight glass give you professional custom!
Address:Room 1624, Jing Ye Gong Yuan Guo Ji, Jin Sui road and New Second Street intersection, Xin Xiang city, Henan Province, China
Phone: +8613569413718
Properties of quartz sight glass
Quartz sight glass is called the "Sight glass King" because it has a series of special physical and chemical properties. It has excellent high temperature resistance, and its melting point is similar to the melting point of platinum (Platinum). The heat rate is very small. The average gorgeous thermal coefficient between 0-1000 and 10-7 =5.4 is equal to 1/6 of ceramic, which is equivalent to 1/20 of common sight glass, and a certain amount of titanium mixed with silica sight glass can make ultra-low quartz sight glass with near zero coefficient. The spectral properties of quartz sight glass can not only be seen through visible light, but also through infrared and ultraviolet light. Quartz sight glass is a good acid resistant material, 30 times the equivalent of acid resistant ceramic, equivalent to 150 times as much as stainless steel (Ni Cr alloy). Quartz sight glass is an excellent electrical insulating material, and its resistance is 10 thousand times as high as that of ordinary sight glass. Quartz sight glass is brittle material. Its compressive strength is very good, but its tensile strength is small. Quartz sight glass is intolerant. Under high temperature (above 1000 C), it will turn into square quartz, which is its two drawback. Quartz sight glass can be made of high purity materials, and the total amount of synthetic quartz sight glass metal ions is only 1ppm. The value of quartz sight glass is that its comprehensive performance is good. For example: it is high temperature resistant and small coefficient, it burned red into the water without cracking; it is high temperature resistant and refractory material; it is high temperature resistant, good transparency, good tightness, good material is the new power source; it is high temperature resistant and high purity is the best material in the manufacture of integrated circuits, etc.

If you are interested in the quartz sight glass or need to consult, please click on our online customer service, or call us. Pan Chao, customized different quality specifications of the glass.
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