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The linear coefficient of quartz sight glass at different temperatures

Click: -Time:2018-01-31 10:35
The linear coefficient of quartz sight glass at different temperatures
温度(℃) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200
线系数(×10-7) 5.10 5.85 6.27 6.35 6.12 6.00 5.71 5.62 5.56 5.42
After adding a proper amount of TiO2 to quartz sight glass, its coefficient is only 1/25 and zero of ordinary quartz sight  glass. This is mainly because the O between the Si and the Ti produces a stronger transverse vibration cation, and the coefficient becomes smaller. With the addition of TiO2, the coefficient can reach a negative value.

If you are interested in the quartz sight glass or need to consult, please click on our online customer service, or call us. Pan Chao, customized different quality specifications of the glass.
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