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Discrimination of Quartz Tube

Click: -Time:2019-08-30 09:23
First: Quartz tube smells very natural stone flavor, odor residual quartz stone production process added with formaldehyde glue, good quartz tube is produced by environmental protection materials.
The plate produced has a strong formaldehyde smell, and the price of this quartz tube can not be selected at a low price, which endangers lives.
Second: Quartz tubes with stomata are not good, and whether there are stomata on the surface.
Third: the gap between good products and splices is not obvious. 
Fourth: Scratches are deep and visibly unqualified, keys or pencil knives.
Fifth: Briefly drop stone powder and grind it with sand paper below 200 mesh.
Sixth: Those with incision cracks are unqualified, and the upper and lower edges of the incision surface.
quartz glass tubes, quartz glass sheets
If you are interested in the quartz tube, quartz sheets or need to consult, please click on our online customer service, or call us.
Pan Chao, customized different quality specifications of the glass.
Pan Chao special industrial glass, tailored for your different quality of the glass.
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