- The connection between borosilicate glass pipe and equipment2018-01-25
- The connection between borosilicate glass pipe and equipment In the practice of production, more and more are reflected, the main problems are: (1) the use of rubber products in multi connection, because the rubber products of high temperat...
- Heat resistance of borosilicate sight glass2018-01-24
- Heat resistance of borosilicate sight glass Sight glass are bad conductors and brittle materials. We often see the sight glass burst. But the 3.3 sight glass is different. Because of the three oxidation of twelve point seven percent of the t...
- Characteristics of high borosilicate sight glass2018-01-23
- Characteristics of high borosilicate sight glass The characteristics of high borosilicate sight glass : borosilicate sight glass has very low thermal expansion coefficient, about 1/3 of ordinary sight glass. This will reduce the temperature...
- Quartz is in the heat of heating2018-01-20
- Quartz is in the heat of heating: Line coefficient of quartz glass 5.4 * 10, equivalent to ordinary glass 1/121/20 due to the thermal coefficient of quartz glass is low, so the thermal performance is very good, the average specific heat of...
- Quartz glass in New Technology2018-01-18
- Quartz glass in New Technology With the sound, light and electricity properties, on line ultrasonic, infrared tracking direction, infrared photography, communication, prism spectrograph, spectrophotometer, reflection lens window, large teles...
- Electrical properties of quartz sight glass2018-01-17
- Electrical properties of quartz sight glass The electrical properties of quartz sight glass are 10 times as high as that of ordinary glass at normal temperature. It is very small for all dielectric loss and high pressure resistance. Quartz s...
- Quartz mechanical properties - quartz sight glass2018-01-16
- Quartz mechanical properties - quartz sight glass The mechanical properties of quartz sight glass are better than those of hard sight glass and ceramics, but the brittleness is poor. The theoretical calculation of quartz sight glass is very...
- Use of quartz glass tube2018-01-16
- Use of quartz glass tube 1. quartz glass tube products are valuable materials, the use of light should be light, very careful; 2. all kinds of quartz glass tube have a high use temperature, the use should not exceed this temperature, otherw...
- Optical constants of quartz glass - quartz sight glass2018-01-12
- Optical constants of quartz glass - quartz sight glass Project index and variety Crystal fused silica glass tube to synthesize quartz sight glass Nd (He587.56m) 1.45857 1.4587 Nf (H486.13m) 1.46324 1.46314 Nc (H656.27m) 1.45646 1.45637 Dispe...
- Optical properties of quartz glass - quartz glass tube2018-01-11
- Optical properties of quartz glass - quartz glass tube The optical properties of the quartz glass tube has its originality, it can through the far ultraviolet spectrum is all through UV and excellent material, through the visible and near i...
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