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Factors affecting the service life of high temperature resistant glass

Factors affecting the service life of high temperature resistant glass

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Factors affecting the service life of high temperature resistant glass
Influencing factor 1: the working temperature of the purchased high-temperature resistant glass is lower than the required working temperature. Many people cannot confirm the specific working temperature they need when buying the glass. They buy the glass by feeling. At this time, if the purchased glass cannot meet the temperature requirements under the working condition, the glass is easy to break. When choosing glass, we need to know the working temperature of the required glass well. Only when we meet the working temperature requirements under our own working conditions can we ensure that the glass will not break. The selection of temperature depends not only on the maximum allowable working temperature of the glass, but also on the temperature difference of the main glass. If there is a big change in the working condition, it is necessary to select the glass that can withstand the big change in the working condition, rather than blindly select the maximum allowable working temperature of the glass. Generally, the choice of high temperature resistant glass is to choose a glass with a higher working temperature, which can ensure the normal use of the glass without fragmentation.
Influence factor 2: when installing glass, gasket shall be well padded. Some users do not pad gasket when installing glass. This result is that glass is easy to break during use. This is because metal is a relatively hard object, without gasket, the edge of glass is easily scratched during installation. At the same time, the cold and hot expansion of metal is relatively large. When metal expands under high temperature, glass is pressed inside the metal. The glass will be squeezed, causing the glass to break. The gasket can protect the corner of the glass well, at the same time, the gasket can resist the extrusion pressure when the glass expands and avoid the glass being crushed.
Influence factor 3: many people see that the glass is intact after installation, but the glass will crack as soon as the machine is started for use. One of the reasons is that we can not ignore that when installing the glass, we must not use brute force when tightening the bolt. We should tighten the bolt gently, and tighten the bolt with skillful force to avoid fracturing the glass edge. If the force is too large, it is easy to break or the edge of the pressure glass. At this time, if it is reheated for use, the crack will expand and cause the whole glass to break.
Influencing factor 4: frequent quench and heat change, any glass can withstand certain quench and heat change. However, if there is frequent quench and heat change in the use process, it also has a great impact on the service life of the glass. If a piece of glass is used at a constant temperature for a long time, its service life is much longer than that under the condition of frequent cold and heat changes.
Influencing factor 5: incorrect cleaning method, many glasses will be used for a long time, and the polluted substances will be stuck on the glass, which will affect the observation. At this time, it is necessary to clean the glass. When cleaning, use a soft cloth, use a little glass cleaner to gently wipe, but do not use metal wire or hard object to scratch or wipe, so it is easy to scratch the glass surface, resulting in the surface of microcracks, and these microcracks are easy to grow under high temperature, resulting in glass fragmentation.
In a word, high temperature resistant glass is a kind of fragile object. We need to handle it with care and protect it well in the process of use to avoid damage and production delay caused by fragmentation.
high temperature resistant glass, quartz glass
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